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Self Defense Practice

Self-Defence for First Responders

This course is designed for First Responders, typically individuals providing first aid as a Paramedic or in giving first aid (Firefighter or Police officer). The focus is around situations and scenarios faced when giving first aid and how to manage threat responses effectively and safely. It does not require any previous training in any form of martial arts or combat sports. The core of the course is to understand one’s limits and how to use oneself to the best of their ability. Everybody is different we are all shapes and sizes and capabilities. The only way to improve on you is to focus on what works for you, not try to imitate something that someone else does that will never fit you. We focus on the individual and each person will identify their own strengths and weaknesses. This builds confidence in your abilities and through activities and scenarios we build the intensity and pressure to improve reactionary techniques.

  • How to identify threats

  • Basics of evading threats

  • Body language & Communication techniques

  • Personal safety techniques

  • Fundamentals of movement

  • Basic Striking and blocking

  • Spatial awareness

  • Takedowns

  • Basic restraints

  • Basic ground defence


Self-Defence for First Responders 1X8hrs (8hrs) = $149- (Per Person)

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